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  • Yvan Lamoureux

When to Transition: Moving from Blogger, Wix, or Squarespace to a More Customized Platform

This article explores when it makes sense to transition to more robust platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, or HubSpot, who these platforms are best suited for, and the benefits they bring to your business. It also discusses why marketing agencies should be platform-agnostic and how Crankworks embodies this approach to deliver the best solutions for their clients.

As a medium-sized business grows, its digital needs and aspirations evolve. Platforms like Blogger, Wix, and Squarespace are excellent starting points for small businesses and individual projects due to their user-friendly interfaces and low entry barriers. However, as your business scales, you might find that these platforms can no longer support your expanding requirements.

Understanding the Need for Transition

Starting with Blogger, Wix, or Squarespace

Platforms like Blogger, Wix, and Squarespace are ideal for:

  • Small Businesses and Startups: These platforms offer simple, affordable solutions for establishing an online presence without needing extensive technical skills.

  • Personal Blogs and Portfolio Sites: They provide templates and easy-to-use tools that are perfect for personal projects and small-scale professional showcases.

  • Low-Budget Projects: Their cost-effectiveness and ease of setup make them accessible for businesses with limited budgets.


When to Consider Moving On

As your business grows, you might encounter limitations with these platforms, such as:

  • Scalability Issues: As your traffic increases, these platforms may struggle to handle higher volumes of visitors and transactions.

  • Limited Customization: You might need more advanced features, integrations, and design flexibility than these platforms offer.

  • SEO and Performance Constraints: Enhanced SEO capabilities and performance optimizations might be required to stay competitive in search rankings.

When these limitations begin to impede your business growth, it’s time to consider transitioning to a more advanced platform.

Exploring Advanced Platforms


Best Suited For: Medium to large businesses, content-heavy sites, blogs, news sites, and portfolios.

Top 3 Benefits:

  1. Customization and Flexibility: With thousands of themes and plugins, WordPress offers unparalleled customization options to tailor your site to specific needs.

  2. SEO Capabilities: WordPress is renowned for its strong SEO capabilities, with numerous plugins and tools to optimize your content for search engines.

  3. Scalability: From small blogs to large e-commerce sites, WordPress can scale with your business as it grows.

Business Benefits: Enhanced flexibility allows for unique site designs and functionalities that can cater to specific business needs, improving user experience and engagement. Robust SEO features help increase organic traffic, while scalability ensures your site can handle increased traffic and transactions as your business expands.



Best Suited For: Medium to large enterprises, complex websites, and portals with multiple user roles.

Top 3 Benefits:

  1. Advanced User Management: Joomla offers comprehensive user management options, making it ideal for sites requiring multiple access levels and permissions.

  2. Extensive Extensions: With a vast array of extensions, Joomla provides advanced functionality for various business needs.

  3. Multilingual Support: Joomla has built-in multilingual support, allowing you to easily create and manage sites in multiple languages.

Business Benefits: The advanced user management system supports complex organizational structures and workflows, enhancing efficiency. Extensive extensions enable the addition of specific functionalities without extensive custom development. Multilingual support allows businesses to reach a global audience, expanding their market presence.



Best Suited For: E-commerce businesses of all sizes, particularly those focused on retail and product sales.

Top 3 Benefits:

  1. Ease of Use: Shopify’s user-friendly interface simplifies the process of setting up and managing an online store.

  2. Integrated Payment Processing: Shopify offers built-in payment processing, making transactions seamless and secure.

  3. Robust E-commerce Features: From inventory management to marketing tools, Shopify provides comprehensive e-commerce solutions.

Business Benefits: Simplified setup and management allow business owners to focus on sales rather than technical details. Integrated payment processing ensures a smooth customer checkout experience, reducing cart abandonment rates. Comprehensive e-commerce features support effective store management and marketing, driving sales and growth.



Best Suited For: Large e-commerce businesses with extensive product catalogs and complex requirements.

Top 3 Benefits:

  1. Scalability: BigCommerce is designed to handle large-scale e-commerce operations, supporting extensive product catalogs and high traffic volumes.

  2. Customizable Checkout: BigCommerce offers customizable checkout options, enhancing the customer experience and improving conversion rates.

  3. Advanced SEO Features: With built-in SEO tools, BigCommerce helps businesses improve their search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.

Business Benefits: Scalability ensures that your online store can grow with your business, handling increased product offerings and traffic seamlessly. Customizable checkout options enhance the user experience, reducing friction during the purchase process and boosting sales. Advanced SEO features help attract more organic traffic, increasing visibility and potential revenue.


Best Suited For Large e-commerce businesses with complex needs and a high level of customization.

Top 3 Benefits:

  1. Highly Customizable: Magento offers extensive customization options, allowing for tailored solutions to meet specific business needs.

  2. Scalability: Designed for large enterprises, Magento can handle vast product catalogs and high traffic volumes.

  3. Comprehensive E-commerce Features: Magento provides a full suite of e-commerce features, including advanced inventory management, customer segmentation, and marketing tools.

Business Benefits: High customization allows businesses to create unique, branded experiences that differentiate them from competitors. Scalability ensures that the platform can support growth without performance issues. Comprehensive e-commerce features provide robust tools for managing every aspect of an online store, driving efficiency and sales.


Best Suited For: Medium to large businesses focused on inbound marketing and lead generation.

Top 3 Benefits:

  1. Integrated Marketing Tools: HubSpot offers a comprehensive suite of marketing tools, including email marketing, social media management, and SEO optimization.

  2. CRM Integration: HubSpot’s CRM integration allows for seamless management of customer relationships and sales pipelines.

  3. Content Management: HubSpot’s CMS provides powerful tools for creating and managing content, optimizing it for search engines, and tracking performance.

Business Benefits: Integrated marketing tools streamline marketing efforts, improving efficiency and effectiveness. CRM integration enhances customer relationship management, leading to better customer experiences and increased sales. Powerful content management tools support the creation of high-quality, optimized content, driving organic traffic and engagement.

Platform-Agnostic Approach: Why It Matters

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, marketing agencies must adopt a platform-agnostic approach to provide the best solutions for their clients. Being platform-agnostic means that the agency does not favour any particular platform but instead evaluates each client's unique needs and recommends the most suitable solution.

The Crankworks Approach

Crankworks embodies this platform-agnostic philosophy, ensuring that each client receives a tailored solution that best fits their business requirements. Here’s why this approach is beneficial:


Objective Recommendations: A platform-agnostic agency evaluates each platform’s strengths and weaknesses without bias, ensuring that the chosen solution aligns with the client’s specific needs and goals. This objective approach helps businesses avoid being locked into a platform that may not be the best fit in the long term.

Customized Solutions: By understanding the unique challenges and opportunities each client faces, Crankworks can design customized solutions that leverage the strengths of various platforms. Whether it’s a highly customizable WordPress site, a robust e-commerce solution with Shopify, or an integrated marketing platform like HubSpot, Crankworks ensures that the chosen platform supports the client’s growth and success.


Future-Proofing: Technology evolves rapidly, and businesses need to stay agile to remain competitive. A platform-agnostic approach allows agencies to recommend solutions that can adapt to changing needs and technological advancements. This future-proofing ensures that the business’s digital presence can grow and evolve without major disruptions.

Marketing agencies like Crankworks play a crucial role in this transition. Their platform-agnostic approach ensures that each client receives a tailored solution that best fits their specific business requirements and goals.

Here’s why Crankworks is the ideal partner for medium-sized businesses considering a platform upgrade:

Objective Recommendations: Crankworks evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of each platform without bias, ensuring that the chosen solution aligns perfectly with your business’s needs. This objective assessment helps avoid the pitfalls of being locked into a platform that may not serve your long-term interests.


Customized Solutions: Understanding that no two businesses are the same, Crankworks designs customized strategies that leverage the unique strengths of various platforms. Whether it’s a highly customizable WordPress site, a robust e-commerce solution with Shopify, or an integrated marketing platform like HubSpot, Crankworks ensures that your digital infrastructure supports your business’s growth and operational efficiency.


Future-Proofing Your Business: With technology evolving rapidly, businesses need to stay agile. Crankworks’ platform-agnostic philosophy allows them to recommend solutions that can adapt to changing needs and technological advancements. This future-proofing ensures your digital presence can grow and evolve without major disruptions, keeping you competitive in an ever-changing market.


Comprehensive Support: Crankworks offers end-to-end support, from the initial consultation and platform selection to implementation and ongoing maintenance. This comprehensive service ensures a seamless transition and continuous optimization of your digital presence.


Enhanced Digital Strategy: By integrating advanced customization, scalability, and comprehensive e-commerce features, Crankworks enhances your overall digital strategy. This leads to improved user experience, better customer engagement, and ultimately, higher conversions and business growth.

For medium-sized businesses, transitioning to more robust digital platforms is not just a step forward—it's a leap toward sustainable growth and enhanced digital presence. With the right platform and expert guidance from a platform-agnostic agency like Crankworks, businesses can unlock their full potential. Crankworks' expertise ensures a smooth transition, customized solutions, and a future-proof strategy that keeps your business competitive and thriving in the digital age. Embrace the change, and let your business soar to new heights with the right digital infrastructure.




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This blog is not meant to provide specific advice or opinions regarding the topic(s)discussed above. Should you have a question about your specific situation, please discuss it with your CWC marketing advisor.


Crankworks Creative Inc. is a full-service marketing and advertising firm in the Greater Waterloo Area. We primarily service all of Ontario and the rest of Canada, the US and Australia virtually. Our team provides marketing audits and reviews, brand equity assessments, and tactical marketing and advertising support for both traditional and digital media. We provide specialized services and expertise for the Construction, Industrial/Commercial Building, General Contractors, Subcontractors, Procurement professionals, Facilities Management, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Allied services, and general advisory services.


If you would like to schedule a call to discuss your marketing and advertising with one of our team members, please complete the free, no-obligation meeting request. For more details, Click Here.

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