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  • Yvan Lamoureux

How to Build a Successful Account-Based Marketing Strategy from Scratch

Unlike traditional marketing approaches that cast a wide net, ABM focuses on identifying key accounts and delivering highly personalized campaigns that drive engagement and foster long-term relationships.

In today’s digital marketing landscape, Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has emerged as one of the most effective strategies for B2B companies looking to target high-value clients. Unlike traditional marketing approaches that cast a wide net, ABM focuses on identifying key accounts and delivering highly personalized campaigns that drive engagement and foster long-term relationships. For Crankworks, a leader in digital marketing, developing a winning ABM strategy for clients is all about precision, creativity, and a deep understanding of the unique needs of each business. In this article, we’ll outline the key steps to building a successful ABM strategy from scratch, with a focus on Crankworks’ expertise in delivering tailored approaches.

1. Align Marketing and Sales Teams

The first and perhaps most crucial step in developing an ABM strategy is aligning the marketing and sales teams. ABM requires a cohesive effort between these two departments to ensure that campaigns are targeting the right accounts and delivering the right message at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Without this alignment, the strategy risks becoming disjointed and ineffective.

At Crankworks, one of the key elements we prioritize is regular communication between marketing and sales to ensure both teams are in sync. This includes setting joint goals, discussing the target accounts, and identifying key decision-makers within those accounts. By working together, marketing can create content that resonates with potential buyers, while sales can provide insights into what messaging is likely to convert leads into customers. 

Pro Tip: Regular meetings between sales and marketing can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and working toward the same objectives. Joint brainstorming sessions can also foster creativity and innovation in developing account-specific strategies.

2.     Define Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Once marketing and sales are aligned, the next step is to define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). The ICP is a detailed description of the accounts that are most likely to benefit from your product or service. These are the high-value accounts that will bring the most return on investment (ROI) when targeted with a customized ABM strategy.

When developing the ICP, consider factors such as company size, industry, revenue potential, and pain points that your product or service can solve. Crankworks often works with clients to fine-tune their ICP by conducting in-depth research and analysis, ensuring that the target accounts are not only valuable but also highly compatible with the client’s offerings.

3.     Segment Your Audience

Audience segmentation is another critical step in the ABM process. Even within your target accounts, not every contact is at the same stage of the buyer’s journey. By segmenting your audience based on factors such as company size, industry, and stage in the sales funnel, you can create more personalized messaging that speaks to the specific needs of each segment.

For example, large enterprise accounts may require a more personalized approach with one-on-one attention, while smaller accounts can be targeted with more automated marketing efforts. Crankworks uses advanced analytics tools to segment audiences and create tailored campaigns that resonate with each segment, ensuring that every touchpoint is meaningful and relevant.

4.     Develop Personalized Content

One of the cornerstones of a successful ABM strategy is personalized content. Because ABM focuses on a smaller pool of high-value accounts, it’s essential to create content that speaks directly to the needs and challenges of each account. This is where creativity and personalization come into play.

At Crankworks, we emphasize the importance of creating content that not only addresses the pain points of the target account but also provides value at every stage of the buyer’s journey. This can include personalized emails, targeted blog posts, case studies, whitepapers, and even interactive content such as webinars or virtual events. The goal is to build trust and credibility by providing solutions to the challenges faced by the target accounts. 

Pro Tip: Always test your personalized content before launching a full-scale campaign. A/B testing can help you determine which messaging and content formats are resonating the most with your target accounts.


5.     Utilize the Right Technology

Implementing a successful ABM strategy requires the right technology to support your efforts. This includes tools for data collection, marketing automation, and account tracking. Crankworks leverages a variety of marketing technologies to streamline the ABM process, including customer relationship management (CRM) systems, intent data platforms, and marketing automation tools.

Intent data, for example, provides insights into which accounts are actively searching for solutions like yours, allowing you to prioritize your outreach efforts. By using data to guide your campaigns, you can ensure that your marketing and sales teams are focusing on the right accounts at the right time.


6.     Engage Accounts Through Multiple Channels

An effective ABM strategy requires a multi-channel approach. This means reaching your target accounts through a variety of touchpoints, including email, social media, content marketing, and even direct mail. The key is to ensure that your messaging is consistent across all channels and that you’re engaging accounts at multiple stages of the buyer’s journey.

For instance, Crankworks often recommends using LinkedIn Ads to target key decision-makers within the target accounts while also leveraging personalized email campaigns to nurture those leads over time. By engaging accounts through multiple channels, you increase the chances of getting your message in front of the right people and driving conversions.

Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to get creative with your outreach. Direct mail campaigns, personalized gifts, and even customized landing pages can be effective tools for engaging high-value accounts.


7.     Measure and Optimize Your ABM Campaigns

As with any marketing strategy, it’s essential to track the performance of your ABM campaigns and optimize them based on the results. This means regularly monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as account engagement, lead conversion rates, and overall ROI.

At Crankworks, we use advanced analytics tools to measure the success of our ABM campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve performance. By continuously analyzing the data, we can identify which accounts are showing the most interest and which tactics are driving the best results. This allows us to refine the strategy and allocate resources to the accounts with the highest potential for success.

Pro Tip: Make sure to set clear goals for your ABM campaigns from the outset, and use these goals to guide your optimization efforts. Regularly reviewing performance data will help you stay on track and ensure that your campaigns are delivering the desired results.


8.     Foster Long-Term Relationships

The ultimate goal of ABM is to build long-term relationships with high-value accounts. This means going beyond the initial conversion and continuing to nurture the relationship over time. Crankworks emphasizes the importance of providing ongoing value to clients, even after the sale has been made. This can include personalized customer support, regular check-ins, and additional content that helps clients get the most out of their investments.

By fostering long-term relationships, you can increase customer loyalty and turn high-value accounts into repeat customers and brand advocates. In the world of B2B marketing, these long-term relationships are the key to sustainable growth and success.


Building a successful ABM strategy from scratch requires careful planning, collaboration between marketing and sales, and a commitment to personalized, data-driven marketing. Crankworks’ expertise in developing tailored ABM strategies for clients has helped countless businesses drive engagement, increase conversions, and build long-term relationships with high-value accounts.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a winning ABM strategy that delivers real results for your business. From aligning your teams to developing personalized content and leveraging the right technology, ABM is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your marketing and sales goals. Whether you’re new to ABM or looking to refine your existing strategy, Crankworks is here to help you succeed in today’s competitive B2B landscape.




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Crankworks Creative Inc. is a full-service marketing and advertising firm in the Greater Waterloo Area. We primarily service all of Ontario and the rest of Canada, the US and Australia virtually. Our team provides marketing audits and reviews, brand equity assessments, and tactical marketing and advertising support for both traditional and digital media. We provide specialized services and expertise for the Construction, Industrial/Commercial Building, General Contractors, Subcontractors, Procurement professionals, Facilities Management, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Allied services, and general advisory services.


If you would like to schedule a call to discuss your marketing and advertising with one of our team members, please complete the free, no-obligation meeting request. For more details, Click Here.

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